The Closer Centerpin Series has already achieved Legendary Status within a year of release, but we haven’t stopped at three pioneering models. We’ve released 3 new 13’ models for top-level steelhead & trout fishing. Designed by Roger Hinchcliff from the Great Lakes, who also fishes the West Coast, this series will accomodate steelhead and salmon fisheries everywhere. These ‘Float Rod’ ...
The HS12CS CenterSpin is a 12' two-piece steelheadand salmon “Pin and Spin” rod that you can use with either a centerpin or spinning reel. This rod has an efficient tip that can mend lines very smoothly, and it's deadly accurate for placing the float exactly where you need it.The blank is durable, agile mid-modulous graphite withmidnight gloss finish and red trim. The sliding rings allow you to ...